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How the model of our ancient Takshshila university can help us form modern-day leadership schools


We are increasingly moving into a VUCA world - Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. Pervasive and disruptive technology, rapid information flow, globally interconnected supply chains and financial markets are sucking us deeper into the chaos of this fast paced world. There is a need to make sense of the world and understand not just how to fit in, but to lead the rest. This is only possible through executive education.

With the world’s youngest population, the biggest onus on India is on education and leadership. The education sector must evolve and respond to these changing needs. And time has already run out.

The Indian higher education system is the largest in the world with more than 51,000 institutions.

Although access has increased, quality remains poor -- low employability of graduates, outdated and globally irrelevant curriculum, poor quality of teaching, crumbling infrastructure, non-existent research, etc.

A recent report by Brookings shows that about 50% of enrolment in higher education is in three degrees BA, BSc, and BComm. Most of these courses are run through colleges affiliated to universities and there is limited scope of innovation.

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