India’s technology usage as a percentage of its GDP growth is very high and the country’s work in creating digital public goods such as Aadhaar and the Unified Payments Interface is astonishing, Microsoft chairman Satya Nadella said. In an interview to ET's Surabhi Agarwal, Javed Sayed and Bodhisatva Ganguli, the Hyderabad-born chief executive of the $198 billion US-based technology behemoth said “the next big wave” will be Artificial Intelligence and that he was excited by AR-VR (Artificial and Virtual Reality) and the Metaverse.
Microsoft-backed popular Open AI platform ChatGPT will also be integrated with several of its products including search engine Bing, he said. Nadella also spoke about the future of technology companies in a de-globalised world and how Microsoft was planning to ride through the economic uncertainty. Edited Excerpts:
What will fuel the Microsoft of the future?
I focus on two things: core sense of purpose and mission of the company - because ultimately technologies will come and go. Microsoft had an identity of being a tech platform so that others can create more tech platforms. That was an opportunity in 1975. I think it's more of an opportunity in 2023, so I just want to stay grounded on that. I have always said that the next big wave is going to be AI (Artificial Intelligence). I'm still very excited about what's happening with AR-VR (artificial reality - virtual reality) and Metaverse, because the creation of a sense of presence is important.
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