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India's Semiconductor Surge: Empowering the Next Generation

 Leading semiconductor companies in India, such as Intel India, AMD, Applied Materials, and Tessolve, are actively collaborating with students and academia to drive real-world innovation. They are establishing state-of-the-art laboratories within prestigious institutions like the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, fostering industry-academia partnerships to enable cutting-edge research in core design, AI training, and other emerging technologies. Furthermore, these companies are offering sponsorships and opportunities for students to pursue research in their respective fields of expertise.

India's semiconductor industry is experiencing a remarkable resurgence, fueled by the strategic efforts of leading tech giants to nurture and develop the country's talent pipeline. Companies like Intel India, AMD, Applied Materials, and Tessolve are spearheading innovative initiatives to bridge the skill gap and ensure a steady supply of skilled professionals.


These companies are actively partnering with premier academic institutions, including the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), to create real-world projects, establish state-of-the-art labs, and foster industry-academia collaborations. The goal is to drive research and innovation in critical areas such as core design, AI training, and low-power designs.

"We also have several of our senior engineers working closely with a team of professors and researchers at IISc, Bengaluru to study heterogeneous computing including in the areas of core design, AI training, inference, and compilation," said Fathima Farouk, HR head at AMD India.


The semiconductor industry's commitment to talent development extends beyond technical skills. Companies are also making concerted efforts to promote diversity and inclusivity, particularly in the field of hardware engineering. Intel India, for instance, collaborates with women's engineering colleges for internship opportunities and runs sensitization programs on inclusive hiring.


"Our college hiring ranges 35-40% of our overall recruitment, and we promote innovation and research by providing resources, facilities, and opportunities to students and professors," said Vijay Colaco, Intel India's HR director.


The industry's focus on campus engagement is timely, as the India Electronics and Semiconductor Association predicts the country's semiconductor sector to more than double to $64 billion between 2021 and 2026. This surge in growth underscores the critical need for a robust talent pipeline to support the industry's expansion.


By fostering strong partnerships with academic institutions and investing in the development of future talent, India's semiconductor companies are poised to drive the country's technological revolution and cement its position as a global hub for innovation and excellence.


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