The first meeting of Sri Rama and Hanuman is described in the Kishkinda Kanda (4th book) of the Valmiki Ramayana. According to the story, in the search of Ma Sita, Sri Ram and Lakshmana were walking through the Kishkinda forest (present day Vijayanagara district of Karnataka). It is here that Hanuman Ji first meets them as a minister and ambassador of King Sugriva. On behalf of Sugriva, Hanuman Ji seeks the friendship of Sri Rama and Lakshmana. Based on the speech of Hanuman Ji, Sri Rama explains to Lakshmana the character of Hanuman Ji. This is a classic lesson on understanding a person’s qualities through one’s speech. As a corollary, this dialogue also teaches us what it takes to develop mastery in oration. At a time when the quality of public debates has dropped to a low, we can draw lessons from Hanuman Ji’s oration.
On Prior Scholarship
नानृग्वेदविनीतस्य नायजुर्वेद्धारिणः। नासामवेदविदुषश्शक्यमेवं विभाषितुम् ||4.3.28||
अनृग्वेदविदुषः not trained in Rigveda, एवम् in that way, भाषितुम् to talk, न शक्यम् not possible, अयजुर्वेद्धारिणः not a scholar in Yajurveda, न not, असामवेदविदुषः not a scholar in Samaveda, न not
“Unless one is well versed in Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda, for sure, it is not possible for anyone to articulate so well”. Reciting the 3 Vedas flawlessly requires mastery of memory, phonetics, pitch and notes of the speech, etc. Sri Rama could see that in Hanuman Ji’s speech.
Read More at https://rashtram.org/qualities-of-a-good-speaker