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Safeguard a Cherished Indian Delicacy with Innovative Solutions

With this innovative sticker system in place, the Devgad mango growers are confident that they can now effectively protect the integrity of their beloved fruit, ensuring that consumers around the world can savor the authentic, unparalleled flavors that have made the Devgad hapus a revered delight. This groundbreaking solution not only safeguards the farmers' livelihoods but also preserves a cherished piece of India's culinary heritage for generations to come.

India's Konkan region is renowned for its exceptional produce, and one of its crown jewels is the Devgad mango. These luscious fruits, known for their thin skin, rich aroma, and unparalleled taste, have long been the pride of the Devgad community. However, the premium price they command has made them vulnerable to adulteration, as unscrupulous traders have attempted to mix cheaper mango varieties with the coveted Devgad hapus, or alphonso, mangoes.


For years, the growers of Devgad mangoes have grappled with this challenge, experimenting with various methods to prevent fraudulent practices. As Omkar Sapre, a board member of the Devgad Taluka Mango Growers Cooperative Society, explains, "Sticking QR codes and barcodes on the mangoes, as well as marking them with edible ink, have not been very effective, as the codes can be easily copied, and the ink is expensive."


But now, the dedicated mango farmers have found a innovative solution that not only safeguards the authenticity of their prized produce but also empowers consumers to make informed choices. Prashant Yadav, the inventor of this new method, has developed a unique tamper-proof sticker system that carries a distinctive code. "The front of the sticker has half of the unique number, and the rest of the number is behind the sticker when you tear it off," he explains. "All you have to do is to send a photo of the seal along with the numbers behind the seal to the farmer's cooperative, and you will get an authentication message that will identify the specific farmer and the exact location within Devgad where the mango was grown."


This remarkable innovation has been warmly embraced by the mango growers, who are now excited to share the true Devgad experience with their customers. "We also benefit as we know where all our produce is being consumed," Sapre says, highlighting the traceability and transparency the new system provides.


The Devgad hapus is a unique mango variety, distinct from the Ratnagiri hapus and other premium mango cultivars. As Sapre explains, "In Devgad, we have a laterite rocky area, with high iron content. The land area is higher than the sea level, thereby reducing the moisture content in the ground. Coupled with high levels of sunlight heat, this nature contributes to the unique combination of aroma and taste." Scientific studies have validated these distinctive characteristics, cementing the Devgad mango's reputation as a true gastronomic treasure.


With the new tamper-proof sticker system in place, the Devgad mango growers are confident that they can now effectively protect the integrity of their beloved fruit, ensuring that consumers around the world can savor the authentic, unparalleled flavors that have made the Devgad hapus a revered delight. This innovative solution not only safeguards the farmers' livelihoods but also preserves a cherished piece of India's culinary heritage for generations to come.

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