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What Indian economy will achieve in the next five years


Job creation seems to loom very large in the minds of citizens as India completes 75 years of independence.

In a countrywide LocalCircles survey about people’s expectations of what India will achieve in the next five years, when the country turns 80, close to half of the respondents (43%) felt creating enough employment and livelihood opportunities would be the top challenge for the country.

Only 39% of respondents, spread across 371 districts, were confident that India would be able to create enough employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in that time.

Even as over 80% of respondents felt the country will have greater clout globally, they were less optimistic about the domestic situation, with the majority not seeing India’s social stability improving in the next five years.

Less than a quarter of the respondents saw India achieving growth and prosperity for all in this period while 38% expect growth and prosperity for a few.

The survey received over 79,000 responses in all.


The survey received over 79,000 responses from citizens located in 371 districts of India. 64% respondents were men while 36% respondents were women.

41% respondents were from tier 1, 33% from tier 2, and 26% respondents were from tier 3, 4 and rural districts.

The survey was conducted via LocalCircles platform and all participants were validated citizens who had to be registered with LocalCircles to participate in this survey.

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